Four Keys to Consistent Prayer


A consistent prayer life is something we all want, but the world is so distracting and the flesh is weak. Yet our God gives wisdom and strength to everyone who wants to get closer to Him. Read more in our latest blog.

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The Challenge of Answered Prayer


Do you wonder how and when God will answer your prayers? Gain surprising insight from Habakkuk in this blog.

100 Million Strong: A New Prophetic Song of Intercession for Israel by Chris Tofilon

by Adam Wittenberg

Chris Tofilon talks about his new song, "100 Million Strong," and how it can teach and inspire people to carry God’s heart for Israel, including through day and night intercession.

How to Read the Psalms


Depth, wonder, prophecy, and song—all are found in the book of Psalms. In this blog we look through four perspectives that can help deepen our appreciation of the Psalms.

The Glory of the NightWatch

by Stuart Greaves

What is the NightWatch, and what is its significance to the end times? Stuart Greaves elaborates.

The Nobility of Barren Prayer

by Dana Candler

It's a myth that nothing is happening when we pray—even if we don't feel anything God is there, and He will respond!

The Fellowship of the Burning Hearts

by Mike Bickle

"It takes God to love God," Mike Bickle says. So how does the Holy Spirit help us to burn with passion for Christ? Find out here.

On Earth as in Heaven: Harp and Bowl Intercessory Worship

by Mike Bickle

The Holy Spirit is raising up the global house of prayer. Mike Bickle shares wisdom and insights gained from 21 years of day-and-night prayer.

The End-Time Prayer Movement

by Mike Bickle

Jesus will come back to His singing Bride, who will be moving in the love, power, and wisdom of God. Learn more about the end-time prayer movement.

Jesus, the Bridegroom King

by Mike Bickle

The Bridegroom message is a call to intimacy with God, to experience the deep things of His heart—His emotions, desires, and affections for us and His thoughts about us.

Praying without Ceasing

by Diane Bickle

We often cling to God in a crisis; but can the person of Jesus alone motivate us to stay in a continual conversation with Him? What happens when we do? Hear one woman's testimony.

One Year Later: IHOPKC Has Changed since the Convergence

by Mike Bickle

Mike Bickle reflects on how IHOPKC has changed since the Convergence when 1,000 Chinese leaders gathered together with the IHOPKC family.

Kindling a Heart of Prayer

by Fia Curley

In this world that is far from perfect, He lifts our heads and heals our eyes to see His perfect nature and the perfection He will one day bring.

Slowing Down to Hear God’s Voice

by Adam Wittenberg

If you’re struggling, know that God hasn’t left you. He’s not mad at you for being busy, but His heart may be calling you to slow down and step closer to Him.

Gaining Confidence in Hearing the Holy Spirit

by Dale Anderson

When we put God first in everything, it's easier to hear Him speak. Read more as one man shares from his four decades of experience talking with God.

Don’t Wait to Pour Out Your Prayers

by Dana Candler

We can’t wait to pray filtered words with right emotions. The key is not in the polishing but in the pouring.

Drawing Closer to God

by Fia Curley

Regardless of how much we desire times of intimacy with Jesus, He desires this intimate and ongoing fellowship even more than we do.

Encountering the Beauty of God in the Night

Encountering the Beauty of God in the Night

by Alisha Powell

Most people associate the night with sleep, but Christians have a long history of encountering God during the night hours.

Practicals of Praying through the Night

Practicals of Praying through the Night

by Fia Curley

Praying at night is a key component of night-and-day prayer and is less about when prayer is happening and more about what is taking place and why.

Encountering Jesus in the Night

Encountering Jesus in the Night

by Stuart Greaves

Even with all that is going on today, Jesus reigns and He is raising up and using global worship and prayer movement in the Church during the night and day to bring about His divine plan.

Teach Us to Pray: The Class We Never Graduate From

by Corey Russell

We are in desperate need for a generation of leaders to arise with deep, consistent lives of prayer.

How to Pray for the Lost on Your College Campus

How to Pray for the Lost on Your College Campus

by Adam Wittenberg

God has a plan to reach the lost on your campus. Get practical tips and inspiration to partner with Him to bring revival to your school through focused prayer.

Praying the Bible – A Framework for Unity

Praying the Bible – A Framework for Unity

by Daniel Lim

There's nothing like the scriptures to unify believers and ignite our personal and corporate prayer lives.

4 Elements of Enjoyable Prayer

Four Elements of Enjoyable Prayer

by Luis Cataldo

Prayer is meant to be enjoyable—and with these four elements, it can be!