Summer Camps at the International House of Prayer
Awakening Teen Camps
Many parents use the summer time to help their children grow and prepare for college and a bright future. We encourage parents to do the same. But instead of solely preparing children for their academic and professional future, we see the summer months as a valuable time to water the seeds of loving affection for our King and Bridegroom Jesus Christ.
Every summer we offer Fascinate, a three-day conference for high schoolers that encourages them to live fascinated with Jesus. Fascinate is for a generation of young people who desire to live radical lives of devotion to Jesus and to bring His love and power to a broken world, that our campuses and cities might be transformed.
With all of the challenges young people face in today’s world, spending time during the summer to encounter the Lord’s truth is increasingly necessary.
The Holy Spirit is able to work within a young, yielded heart the love of the Trinity and lead us into that place of abiding and fascination where we “see more” of His love.
“The Spirit of truth . . . will guide you into all truth . . . He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” (John 16:13-14)
The Holy Spirit came to glorify Jesus in the human heart by revealing to us as much of God as we are hungry to receive. He knows we were created with a longing for the pleasure of being fascinated, or awestruck, and filled with marvel and wonder. We are most fascinated when we are fascinated by revelation of God Himself. Even Paul gave up everything as he saw the magnificent excellence of Jesus.
“I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ.” (Philippians 3:8)
The most transforming and motivating reality in the kingdom is Jesus Himself. This reality can empower a young person to pursue righteousness in the midst of temptation, testing, and peer pressure.
Our summer events help young people focus on, and grow in, the truth that our primary life goal as believers is to be focused on receiving and expressing the love of the One who fascinates us.
Fascinate connects teenagers to the prayer movement and is based on Philippians 3:8, the call to be fascinated with Jesus.
Teens will hear teachings from IHOPKC leaders on topics such as growing in intimacy with God, living with radical devotion to Jesus, staying connected to God at school and at home, standing strong in faith in a hostile environment (peer pressure), and how to enjoy God’s Word and have a devotional life that’s not boring.
Awakening Teen Camp is for teenagers 12–18 years old. At ATC we help equip teens to live a lifestyle of prayer, worship, and wholehearted love for Jesus. There will also be an ATC Music Academy for teens 14-18 offered in July and August. The Music Academy is focused on leadership development in the context of prayer meetings, with a specific emphasis on singers, musicians, and intercessors. We will help teens grow in the knowledge of God and their identity in Him, so that they may be awakened to the joy of impacting a generation with His power, as they grow in intimacy with Jesus.
For the younger siblings we have Signs & Wonders Camps for children ages 6–12, including day and overnight camps. We are offering a special worship track for children ages 10–12. This track includes biblical teaching, musical instruction, and times of corporate worship and teaching.
Our desire is to set young worshipers on a path to knowing Jesus and choosing a lifestyle of humility and service. At our Signs & Wonders Camps, children are encouraged to grow in wholehearted devotion to God. They will learn about knowing and loving God, living by the Word, experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit, and loving, respecting, honoring, and obeying parents.
We know the truth is only Jesus—His person, His presence, and His power—can satisfy the longings of a generation for love, pleasure, and impact.