False Justice

Unveiling the Truth About Social Justice

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About the Book

False Justice: Unveiling the Truth about Social Justice calls for a paradigmatic shift in the way most people think about justice. Having a right paradigm of fairness is crucial to withstanding the type of deception that is rapidly permeating our culture today. False Justice equips you with the Christ focus and the biblical backing needed to form a right and godly mindset regarding social justice.

Distinct from other Christian books about social justice, False Justice:

  • Has a Christ-centric focus—it defines justice in relation to Jesus Himself.
  • Doesn’t simply suggest methodologies, but calls for a change in the foundational paradigm of justice.
  • Tells how Jesus intends to bring godly justice to the earth.
  • Reveals how the message of the gospel is the message of justice.

False Justice brings you closer to God by clearly revealing His desire for righteousness, honesty, and integrity in the earth, setting Christ as the ultimate vision of justice and calling you to set your attention solely on Him.


  • Stuart Greaves

About the Author

Stuart Greaves leads the Executive Leadership Team of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City. He has been part of IHOPKC since 1999. For 20 years, Stuart led the NightWatch—the section of the Global Prayer Room which goes from midnight to 6am every night. Stuart is recognized as one of the primary teachers at IHOPKC and International House of Prayer University (IHOPU). He teaches verse by verse through various books of the Bible. His passion is to equip people to cultivate intimacy by growing in their understanding of the beauty of Jesus and to engage in worship and prayer for the great harvest along with partnering with the Lord as He prepares the Church to be a ready Bride (Rev. 19:7). He has been married to Esther for 25 years.


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