Creating A Tabernacle For Teens

by Josh MacDonald

Josh MacDonald shares his heart for teens to encounter Jesus at Awakening Teen Camps.

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Awakening Teen Camps

My Hope for This Generation

by Daniel Brown

There is hope for teens to experience God and minister to others this summer in a fun and high-energy environment. Find out more about Awakening Teen Camps!

Why Send Your Children to Camp?

by Lenny La Guardia

Lenny La Guardia shares how Signs & Wonders Camps help children know and love God.

Now More Than Ever: Why I’m Passionate about Sending Teens to Camp

by Isaac Bennett

In these extraordinary times, teens need connection with God and with each other more than ever. Isaac Bennett shares his passion for sending teens to summer camp.

Why Camp Is As Important As Ever

by Lenny La Guardia

Perhaps now more than ever, we must guard ourselves, and our children, from falling into isolation. Why is this important? Because the Lord God made us for relationships! And not just relationships through a computer screen or phone, but rich, vibrant, in-person relationships.

Encountering Jesus

by Isaac Bennett

How different would we live our Christian life if Jesus were physically beside us? How would our prayers sound? What would our worship be like?

IHOPKC Summer Camps Are Turning Points


IHOPKC Worship Leader Juliana Thompson talks about the difference a summer camp made in her life and how it led her to where she is today.

Summer Camps at the International House of Prayer


The equipping of young believers is a priority. During the summer months we offer opportunities for youth to grow in intimacy with Jesus.