Unity, Presence, and Power: Jon Thurlow shares about Onething 2018

by Adam Wittenberg

We’re going to be coming together as a group of people and actually wait on the Lord; we want the Holy Spirit to lead these three, four days.

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Training and Events

Time to Focus on One Thing

by Adam Wittenberg

What if the Lord is slowing us down, causing us to focus on what matters most—the kingdom, reign, and glory of His Son?

Inquiring of the Lord—Posturing Ourselves for Success

by Selenia Vera

King David longed for many things, but he understood the truth of where success and value would be found.

Marked at Onething for One Thing: Jaye Thomas on Encountering Jesus

by Adam Wittenberg

What would God do if we really came together in unity of heart—with one purpose and one focus and one vision? What would God show us? What would He speak?

Fulfilling Your Calling: Times of Testing and Maturing

by CJ Reynolds

When God’s not speaking is often because you’re in a time of testing and maturing, which is the preparation for your transition into another season.

Crisis and Revival: Corey Russell Shares His Heart for Onething

by Adam Wittenberg

We are past the hours of just having a nice conference. God is doing something here. God is saying something here. He’s releasing something here that I believe is important for you.

Why This Is Our Last Onething Conference for Some Years

by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?


by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

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마이크 비클

by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

Why This Is Our Last Onething Conference for Some Years

by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

Why This Is Our Last Onething Conference for Some Years

by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

Fulfilling Your Calling: When God’s Not Speaking

by CJ Reynolds

Your life holds the fingerprints of God, so value and act upon who you are!

Healing, Encouragement, and Joy: God’s Work at Onething

by Adam Wittenberg

There’s nothing like being in a room of 20,000 believers from all over the world with one common interest to worship God.

Becoming Part of God’s Answer to the Present Darkness

by David Sliker

How do we engage this generation in crisis? How do we run the race to win?

Ministry Training that Ignited Her Heart: An IHOPU Testimony

by Adam Wittenberg

“IHOPU teaches a lot about ministry: how to love people, how to speak, and how to minister to people. There’s active prayer (24/7) and ministry opportunities.”

The Indestructible Woman

by Rachel Faagutu

Leadership is about partnering with Jesus—learning from and leaning on Him.

Stirred for His City and Nation: An IHOPU Testimony

by Adam Wittenberg

I’m saying it doesn’t matter [what it looks like]; I just need to be someone who prays. If it has to be, send me in the secret place, in the place of prayer to contend for my country.

An Open Letter to the Prayer and Prophetic Movement

by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

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by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

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by Mike Bickle

What if God interrupted our plans? What if the Holy Spirit took over? What if we lavished our affection and attention on Him above all other concerns?

Her Heart Was Changed: An IHOPU Testimony

by Adam Wittenberg

I believe if you want to meet Jesus in the Scriptures, this is the right school for you.

Prophecy Is a Gift from God for His People

by Adam Wittenberg

The Lord can do so much through prophetic words: activate gifts, confirm direction, and comfort and strengthen His people.

The Way We End Our Race Matters Most

by Juliet Canha

Whenever we are yielded to the Spirit and motivated by His ways of love, we will enter His rest and glorify God.

The Healing Hand of the Lord Moves at Onething

by Fia Curley

Healing, clearly, is for today and not just something that happened in the past.