One Year Later: IHOPKC Has Changed since the Convergence

by Mike Bickle

Mike Bickle reflects on how IHOPKC has changed since the Convergence when 1,000 Chinese leaders gathered together with the IHOPKC family.

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20th Anniversary

One Year Later: What’s Next for IHOPKC?

by Adam Wittenberg

We need one another, and we cannot go forward into God's purposes without each other.

One Year Later: How Has IHOPKC Changed since Convergence?

by Adam Wittenberg

The change that I see is an eagerness to lean in to others, a preferring of one another, a celebrating of someone’s success, and a weeping with those who are in pain.

Anticipating Revival

by Dean Briggs

As a community, we have learned and practiced a rhythm that routinely brings powerful daily encounters between average, weak humans and the great love of Jesus; and these encounters leave our hearts burning for more.

My IHOPKC Experience: Michael’s Story

by Michael Tharpe

It’s important to remember what God said and did to get us where we are, so that we put our hope in Him!

One Year Later: What We Learned from Convergence

by Adam Wittenberg

I think He’s bringing all of us into a place of being willing to be vulnerable for the sake of the family and finding liberty in being absolutely authentic in who I am and who you are.

Responding to the Divine Whisper

by Dean Briggs

It’s about the supreme worth of a God who gave everything to restore relationship, so He could talk to us, and we could listen and even talk back.

My IHOPKC Experience: Sharon’s Story

by Sharon Dell

I love how the Lord took my tired, lonely heart and answered me with something better than I had imagined.

My IHOPKC Experience: Matt & Dana’s Story

by Matt and Dana Candler

We are eternally grateful for the sacrificial, fragrant offering of this incessant proclamation and for the way it has changed us—and thousands of lives all over the world—forever.

Adding Your Amen to the Story God Is Telling

by Dean Briggs

Does your personal narrative expect God’s goodness or gravitate toward despair?

Looking Back with Gratitude and Forward with Confidence

by Mike Bickle

Jesus is and will be worth the fight and the promises He has asked us to contend for. These things are worth giving our lives to believe for and to birth in prayer.

Gazing upon Memorials

by Fia Curley

More than stone and architectural prowess, each creation helps strengthen the memory of what has been accomplished, a visual reminder of historic events.

My IHOPKC Experience: Colin’s Story

by Colin McNulty

The one good thing about pain, though, is that it makes you desperate enough to run to God. And run I did.

My IHOPKC Experience: Sarah’s Story

by Sarah McNulty

The Word takes you on a journey if you stick with it. Somehow, you wake up one day after years of singing it and find that it's alive.

The Need for Prayer

by Fia Curley

But from heaven's view, prayer is not just a simple act but one that is connected to the ultimate fulfillment of God's plan.

My IHOPKC Experience: Mike & Laurie’s Story

by Mike & Laurie Ditto

It makes sense now, thinking of how Jesus first came to see small beginnings that would change hearts.

My IHOPKC Experience: Andy’s Story

by Andy Hailstone

The Lord meets the mostly-weak and mostly-boring prayers of the saints with His power.

My IHOPKC Experience: Amanda’s Story

by Amanda Beattie

I was an Anna. I was a Mary of Bethany. I was called to “waste my life” at the feet of Jesus, and it didn’t matter if anyone else saw me or understood me, because it was all for Him.

My IHOPKC Experience: Selenia’s Story

by Selenia Vera

I had never considered for a minute that He really delighted in me, much less that He rejoiced over me.

My IHOPKC Experience: Judy’s Story

by Judy Doughty

The Lord has been after a people for a long time to do Psalm 27:4—even before the house of prayer was established here in Kansas City

IHOPKC’s Expression of the Harp and Bowl Model

by Adam Wittenberg

Whether you’re in a room of 1,000, at a gathering of 100, or praying with a few intercessors together in a room, the delight of combining prayer with worship is available to all of us.

My IHOPKC Experience: Audra’s Story

by Audra Lynn

Wasting my youth on day-and-night prayer has really been the best investment of my time and energy.

Four of the Core Values of IHOPKC

by Adam Wittenberg

There’s no shortcut to loving God. It requires time and intentional implications of our heart, mind, and soul.

Marking IHOPKC’s Prophetic History

by Adam Wittenberg

As IHOPKC marks its 20th anniversary this year, we’re taking a moment to walk back through those years and observe what the Lord did and spoke to establish this ministry.