The Healing Hand of the Lord Moves at Onething
by Fia Curley
Biblical teaching, times of abandoned corporate worship and ministry, and the exaltation of Jesus are all a regular occurrence at every Onething conference. But even more common than a schedule packed with events are encounters with God as the Healer.
During two days of the four-day conference, time and space have been set aside to offer prayer for physical healing to conference attendees. From headaches, chronic pain, and diseases to disabilities, much of what takes place in the healing rooms could nullify even the best arguments reasoning that healing is a thing of the past. Throughout the years, the Lord has encouraged and healed many people who have requested prayer in the healing rooms.
From initial communication, between conference attendees and staff in the healing rooms, to setting correct expectations, the process is designed to keep the focus on God receiving the glory. Brian Pendleton, Healing Rooms director at IHOPKC, wants everyone to know that, “healing, clearly, is for today and not just something that happened in the past.”
“We can read through the gospels and see that Jesus healed everywhere He went,” Brian said. “And we know the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever; He doesn’t change. As we look through the Old Testament, it foreshadows the life of Jesus—Israel is looking for and expecting their Messiah to be a healer. And then, when Jesus came and quoted Isaiah 64, people thought He was crazy; but He walked it out. They knew Messiah would be a healer because that’s what the Scripture foretold.” And this is what Brian wants believers to encounter during the conference—Messiah as the Healer.
“God is healing; healing is the substance of God—it’s not the only thing God is, but anything that comes into God’s presence gets healed or restored or redeemed because healing is who He is, it’s not something He does,” Brian says. “It’s not just His job, it’s who He is; and we know He doesn’t change, so He still heals people.”
Tens of thousands of people attend Onething every year in Kansas City. Although the healing rooms were only open the first two days of the conference, Brian says the teams in the healing rooms had the capacity to pray with close to 1,500 people, but numbers average around 700 because some participants didn’t know the healing rooms are available. Anyone attending the conference could come to the healing rooms to receive prayer.
Amaedi Etukudo traveled to Onething from Maryland, determined to get rid of the joint pain in her right wrist. A blogger, teacher, and personal trainer, Amaedi had visited the healing rooms at Onething in 2015. But visiting again in 2017, she was in so much pain a friend joked that she should just sleep in the healing rooms for the entire week of the conference. It hurt to write on the board for her students or type her lesson plans, and the pain seemed to only increase as she got closer to coming to Onething.
“I felt like mainly it was an attack, because I need my body, and I need my joints to do what I’m called to do,” she said. “The last three weeks is when it got really bad, so I haven’t been able to do a lot.”
As staff in the healing room began to pray, Amaedi said the pain began to increase, but after a moment the pain completely left her wrist.
Lynn Ware, from Huntsville, Alabama, had been diagnosed with a bulging disc in her neck and back, which caused pain. The night before she and her husband left to come to Onething, she said her back was in so much pain she couldn’t pack her bag to travel.
After receiving prayer, Lynn describes her healing experience as a sensation of intense heat followed by a cool breeze and then peace. “When I stood up to move my neck and my back, all pain was gone,” Lynn said, “I feel completely healed—a hundred percent.”
Steven Pulman had a similar experience in the healing rooms. After traveling fourteen hours from Kitchener, Ontario, to come to his first Onething conference, Steven ventured into the line for the healing rooms to receive prayer.
He had been in a car accident ten years prior that broke his foot—it was turned backwards, preventing his leg from being fully extended—and ruptured his shoulder, causing uncontrollable muscle trimmers. Although he had tried several methods, including physical therapy and surgery, most attempts only yielded temporary results.
After receiving prayer, Steven said although he didn’t feel an extremely strong sensation, he immediately noticed results. He was able to completely straighten out his leg on a chair without any problems. “I felt instantly my muscles totally relax and all the pain just leave my body,” Steven said, “I was able to get up and walk.”
After receiving such a dramatic healing of his body, Steven said he’d recommend anyone with chronic pain to go visit the healing rooms. “That’s a no-brainer—go to the healing rooms.”
Fia Curley
Fia Curley served on the NightWatch at IHOPKC for many years, participating in prayer, worship, and intercession from midnight to 6am. Currently attending college in New York, she enjoys blending her passion for prayer, worship, and journalism as she labors with the Lord to see His goodness revealed to families, government leaders, and immigrants from non-Christian nations.