Something Wonderful Happened in New Jersey This Summer
Signs and Wonders Camps
Each summer, Lenny LaGuardia and our Children’s Equipping Center team have the privilege of sowing into the lives of thousands of children across this country and in Poland at our Signs & Wonders Camps. Lenny recently received a report from our New Jersey Camp, and we would like to share it with you. Lenny writes:
“At each camp, the children pray for the sick during our healing services and ministry times. We teach them that they too can minister in the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus. We heard of tumors and cysts being gone from people’s bodies after the children prayed—documented testimonies of healing and the goodness of God. I recently received a report from the local director of our New Jersey Signs & Wonders Camp concerning a lady who received prayer at the healing service on the final night.
During the service I called out a word of knowledge about cancer, and a woman came forward. Lois* had ovarian cancer. The children prayed over her for over an hour, contending for the cancer to be gone. The scene was glorious as I watched the children praying fervently for a miracle from the Lord. One of the young boys told Lois that he had had a vision of the tumor being struck with a hammer.
Lois went to the doctor soon after receiving prayer. There is no cancer anywhere in her body! And there is much rejoicing in New Jersey. The doctor told Lois that the mass was broken off like it was struck with a hammer, and that it had passed from her body with no trace left behind. Amazing!”
Watch as IHOPKC leader Lenny LaGuardia leads children and staff at New Jersey Signs & Wonders Camp in praying for healing.
When God heals a body, the works of God are displayed (John 9:3) and the kingdom of God comes upon us in power (Matthew 12:28). Let’s continue to pray and press in for the power of God to be released in greater measure on those who are sick and in need of a touch from God. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).
*Name has been changed